Sandeep Nair

Sandeep Nair's thirteen years of experience as a Research Officer in the Department of Neurology and complementary Medicine, has helped him to develop an efficient complementary methodology in the treatment of Extrapyramidal Movement disorders like Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, MNDs, and other Neurodegenerative disorders.

Dr Nair is working as a Research officer and Ayurvedic physician in the Department of Neurology and Complementary Medicine at Augusta-Kranken-Anstalt Hattingen, Germany since September 2011. He has worked with Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Przuntek and Sandra Szymanski on various research projects such as the influence of Vasthi and Ayurveda diet on microbiomics and the influence of Nasya on hyposmia of Parkinson's disease patients.

At present he is engaged with clinical and non-clinical research works in motor and non motor symptoms of primary Parkinson's syndrome like Dysarthrophonia, Hyposmia, REM sleep disorders, Freezing of Gait etc.

Dr Nair is a former assistant professor (Lecturer) of Panchakarma at MVR Ayurveda Medical College Kannur, Kerala. He did his BAMS and MD in Panchakarma at Government Ayurveda College Trivandrum, University of Kerala, my MSc in Neurorehabilitation Research at Danube University Krems, Austria, and specialization in Clinical Research and ICH GCP at Pharma Academy Leipzig, Germany.

Dr Nair is one of the board members of IFAD (Indian Professional Association of Ayurveda Germany) and Programme Committee chair of European Ayurveda Congress Berlin.



  1. Need for Complementary approach in Parkinson’s disease.

  2. A Complementary approach on Olfactory Dysfunction IN Parkinson's disease- Retrospective observational study.

  3. Weg zur Heilung: An article on Department of Neurology and Complementary Medicine.

  4. Ayurveda goes global.

  5. Efficacy of high frequency r-TMS on Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease systematic review: MSc Master Thesis: Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Preventive Medicine, Danube University.

  6. Analysis of Panchamahabhutha Theory.

Conferences and Seminars

  1. 05/10/2024 Mount Madonna Institute, California Ancient wisdom meets Contemporary research: International Ayurveda Symposium. Invited Speaker: A unique model of integrative medicine for the treatment of Parkinson's syndrome.

  2. 28/03/2024 Online D Y Patil University Pune, workshop under Viksit Bharat @2024 Resource person : Bharat to be a hub of Traditional Medicines and export AYUSH globally.

  3. 22/02/2024 – 25/02/2024 Lucknow, India International Arogya Conference and Expo. Invited International Delegate: Comprehensive event on traditional systems of medicines

  4. 23/01/2024 EU Parliament Brussels, EU Parliament Working group for Traditional Indian Medicine Road map 2021-2027. Guest Speaker: Contributions to traditional Indian medicine road map 2021-2027

  5. 20/01/2024 Berlin. European Ayurveda Congress 2024. Organising Chair, Speaker: Relevance of Ayurveda in European Healthcare System Panelist: Importance of Ayurveda Diet in disease cure.

  6. 15/11/2023 Online. Transitional Curriculum program for BAMS students of Govt Ayurveda College Trivandrum, India 2023. Speaker: Global opportunities in Ayurveda.

  7. 10/11/2023 Munich. 8th World Ayurveda Day 2023. Speaker and Panelist : Globalisation of Ayurveda Medicine

  8. 27/10/2023 – 29/10/2023 Orlando, Florida. NCAM International Mega Conference: Ayurveda beyond wellness. Speaker and Panelist: Evidence based Integrative Ayurveda in Neurodegenrative diseases.

  9. 15/09/2023 – 17/09/2023 Birstein, Germany. International Ayurveda Symposium 2023, Rosenberg European Ayurveda Academy. Invited Speaker : The Panchamahabhuta theory - Pillars of Ayurveda

  10. 05/03/2023 Online. Ayur Vichaar by AVP Research Foundation Coimbatore India. Guest speaker: Ayurveda care in neurodegenerative disorders- with special reference to Parkinson's disease.

  11. 08/12/2022 – 11/12/2022 Goa, India. 9th World Ayurveda Congress and Ayurveda Expo 2022. Speaker: International delegate assembly.

  12. 29/10/2022 Berlin. European Ayurveda Congress 2022. Organising Chair. Moderator: Panel discussion - Ayurveda Research and Education in Europe.

  13. 16/09/2022 – 18/09/2022 Birstein, Germany. International Ayurveda Symposium 2022, Rosenberg European Ayurveda Academy. Invited Speaker: The fire within - Dhatu Kshaya in Neurodegenrative disorder and its dependence on Agni.

  14. 11/04/2022. Transitional Curriculum program for BAMS students of Govt Ayurveda College Trivandrum, India 2022. Guest Speaker: International opportunities after BAMS

  15. 02/11/2021 Berlin. World Ayurveda Day 2021. Invited Speaker: Ayurveda for Nutrition Panelist: Ayurveda in Germany.

  16. 05/09/2020 Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftungsprofessur für Naturheilkunde, Essen. Ayurveda Ausbildung Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Dozent: Vasthi and Nasya Treatments

  17. 15/02/2019 – 18/02/2019 Trivandrum India. International Ayush Conclave 2019. Panelist: Ayush in global perspective

  18. 13/01/2019 Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftungsprofessur für Naturheilkunde, Essen. Ayurveda Ausbildung Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Duisburg-Essen Dozent: Panchakarmama

  19. 06/08/2017 – 07/08/2017 Kochi, India. Amrita Samyogam 2017, International Conference on Integrative Ayurveda and Modern medicine. Invited Speaker: Neurology and Complementary Medicine.

  20. 20/05/2017 – 21/05/2017 Klinik für Naturheilkunde und Integrative Medizin, Essen. Traditionelle Indische Medizin Vertiefung Seminar. Dozent: Konzept Ayurvedische Neurologie und Neurologische Krankheiten.